Any thomasian know The Varsitarian, I think it's the oldest org paper in the Philippines. What struck me in the front pages though is VATICAN CONFIRMS DELA ROSA UST’s 95th rector to be installed June 10 Funny because I didn't know that aside from The Pope, The Saints and all, The Vatican has a say to U.S.T`s rector. I miss Santo Tomas, the smell of grass in the morning field, the adrenaline in the gym, The Ala Starbucks in P noval and that string of joints in the parameters of that heart of espana. Almers, Cocoys, Ryan J gym, Goldilocks, Pizzahut, Lopez, and that fried chicken place which I forgot. I left Santo Tomas NOT in a heart beat. I had to go through widthrawals because I had an addiction to football at that time. I smell the grass, I drop my bags and drop my course and play. We always had a saying, "Sagabal ang Pag aaral sa Football". How I regret it now. I didnt know anything then so.. The Varsitarian was the first paper I have ever seen my name on. Hahahaha