
Showing posts with the label Noynoy Aquino

Whats up with this Noynoy's Paycheck?

What you can do with 63k nowadays when you are the president with bills and all (Minus Tax made it 31k) NOTHING Good thing Noy is single he doesn't have to feed and send kids to school. 1 pack a cigarette a day - 1240 PHP Personal Groceries - 3-5k max say. Bills? What bills can he possibly have? Cellphone Bill? If you are a Program Manager for a call center your average bill maybe clos around 800 PHP if you are a stingy son of a gun but if you are the President of the country, I assume that you have more phone calls than an average Joe to make otherwise you are just bumming your ass then we cannot move forward. My boss pays 5k or so for his cellphone bills not unless there is a special telecom rate for Noy lets say its right around 15k or so I assume. I cannot think of other expenses but living out of 31k in his stature is absolutely horrendous. I wonder ho GMA managed for 6 years with a smile on her face and a botox Job on the side. Oh mighty well.

The Gloria Macapagal Arroyo Experience in Review

A good job can be summed up by results. Gloria Managed to have a throng of haters who did not dare think facts straight from her performance as a leader in this declining world economy. I would be as straight up as I can be in facts that I believe to be true. Let us start with her Vision, Philippines as a First World Country in 2020. How did she do it? Prior to office cleaning up Erap’s Sham that lead to the lowest growth rate after the Marcos regime, GMA was able to put the Philippines in recovery mode with a 6.1% economic growth. In the year 2005, her administration managed to post an appreciation rate of 6%, THE FASTEST IN THE ASIAN REGION FOR THE YEAR. Despite challenges of Natural Disasters and unprecedented events that lead to red marks in the world financial market eye (they were too many to mention) G M A’s term posted an economic growth rate of 5.4% in 2006, 2007 GDP grew 7.3% Managed to buffer our economy posting a 3.8 percent slowdown when other countries posted negative giv