
Showing posts with the label Wedding Singer

My 101th Post

Yesterday I came from a wedding shower. It is going to be the wedding of my former team leader/ former housemate/ friend Vel, who is marrying Ed my friend/ Former drinking buddy/ frmer teammate. It's funny how they met. They used to be so sick of each other and someway sometime they ended up liking each other stuck together and decided to marry. And I would I will be a wedding singer who is supposed to wear a deep red long gown. A color I have never worn all my life. Well It would be an adventure somehow. To date they are the second couple I see marry in my 29 year life. It's cool. I'm currently reading the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. I have just finished the part of Habit 1 Which is be proactive. It is interesting to know that a lot about our language speaks about how reactive a person we are as supposed to be proactive. If you are a person who talks as if everything is beyond your circumstance such as the use of words I have to, I need to, If onl