
Showing posts with the label Music

Music, Work and You

Because I am just curious, I asked these brokers, bankers, recruters and analyst associations of mine what effect music brings to them when they are at work Some people cannot work without a specific genre playing in their ipod or pc. Some people like silence. Others have their energies surging over techno tunes. Here are the answers that came up: I can make better and faster decisions when listening to house music. - Noel Magada, Recruiter I listen to new age - meditation music in the background when I need to focus and calm down and then listen to rock music when I want to get energized - Dawn Van Zant, Good question! CNBC is on my TV from the minute I walk in and it's the last thing I turn off when I leave (90% of the time the volume is off and I play music). What I listen to really depends on my mood at the time and what I'm working on or who I'm preparing to meet w/. When I need to get pumped up it's usually metal (Pantera, Slayer...) When I need

My Ipod ...Exposed

Part of my Big bag is a stash of my favorite things to pack. I bring these things when needed say for entertainment or work I take home. I took notice of my bag and realized I pack too much on Sundays. I bring an Ipod where I store movies I have not watched like the Matrix Trilogy . And sleep over March of the Penguins Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room , is also a movie I have handy. I have always been fascinated with how it all fell down. Greed and False bravado were the culprit including EGO and Pride. Its a good movie to watch actually. It gives you an insider look on what behaviors took this giant to plummet and actually be non existent. And sometimes as I do long walks with my self and in waiting hours I listen to some old school music of different genres. I have a collection of almost 2000 songs that range across the board. I made a chart of the songs and I realized that the most that I have in there is POP 70`s 80`s and 90`s next is rock and then theres Trancendance, follo