
Showing posts with the label Pablo

Smart ass Dog

Noticed my dog Pablito, a Boston Terrier's smart ass move just recently, playing sleep while I fix up so I don't put him In his "high tower" 3 days in a row na ito every time I try to leave the house he plays dead so I won't touch him. His high tower is about 2 and a half feet high, I put him there instead of a crate. He didn't work out with the crates that I got him he would always make sure he would flatten out the spot where it stops so the door would not be locked, that way he can easily kick it and go out when I am not looking. Smart ass. So for now, and I do not know how long, this boydog shall remain in his high tower till he decides to learn how to jump from it. Till then I have to look for the sturdiest cage I can ever give him. Its amazing how a small brained animal like that can figure that out.

Pablo's Day out post Seizure attack

Pablo had an independence day seizure June 12 and had to rush him to the vet because he got scared after and turned white and weak. As soon as we came to tiende to visit his vet he saw a huge ass dog that made his whiteness go away. It was a St. Bernard getting groomed on a store. We had a chance to see that dog again when we came by the next day. Sunday was a day out for Pablito I figured he should see some dogs like him so to while his mind away and stimulate. We had a chance to walk around and checkout potential friends, watched a dog show with highly maintained dogs and meet two types of doggies he played with the St Bernard and a teacup poodle.

Good Dog, Bad Dog


Dog Mother's Day.

Pablo's ear is undergoing rehab so that some ear bones will grow so it will be the same as the other ear. Got him a chew toy which he enjoys right now. He is currently sick and has colds. Never the less, he still manages to be cute with his droopy eyes and all. I just hate seeing him struggle with breathing and coughing.

Meet Pablo..

He is so adorable. He by far is my first dog. Love him so...He is so sweet. Cleaning his poopoo is not a chore its a delight. For the first time a dog licked my face and I had no issues with it. I had an issue with it with my cat. His name is Pablo Honey..I call him Pablo