
Showing posts with the label Happy Birthday

Thirty Six and Close to forty.

I am close to my forties, been running around like a drunk ass lost soul, still a frustrated songwriter who can't keep a band together, a frustrated designer, who's just made 2 pieces of clothing, a frustrated nerd who is trying to learn to code, a frustrated dieter who loves to drink her beer and a frustrated guitar player who can't sing and play the guitar at the same time. A single woman without a wing man. That's me awkward for pictures, PHOTO TAKEN BY: NIKON CELIS. And that's Gino my sometimes asshole friend. I am getting old sitting through my flaws, make fun of it and or try to wait for a breakthrough. I am not the kind who gives up though. I constantly fight through everyday. I believe in the power of seeking for a breakthrough. I was not raised properly by parents so I kind of had to figure out stuff on my own, with the help of my circumstances. It wasn't my parents fault, I chose what I chose. I chose independence and with closed eyes I jumpe


May you have Cancer Free Years to Come.