
Showing posts with the label Hancock


THE HANCOCK: AN AWKWARD TWIST. The problem, It is an awkward movie, the ending is weak. The first half was really done well, I'm thinking angry superhero meeting a pr person turning his life around would be good stuff to watch. Until that Charlize Theron turnaround came up and it terrorized the movie till the end. I personally think that the movie will turn out ok if they say they will make a sequel and or it was not Charlize Theron who took that part. Charlize is too heavy and charming for that role. Think Jumper and that the only way it will be watched is because of Will Smith. It managed to rake box office tix despite of the fact that it was lame. THE HAPPENING: A NON EVENT Now this movie had a lot of build up in the story, with a confusing synopsis and a "WHAT??" ending. I had to read the reviews just to check if it was the plants who made the people go insane or what. Turns out they had wacko interpretations of their own. I have always thought of M. Night as a great