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And the whole world goes TWEET!

I did not get twitter at first let alone play with it even if my friends were into it. Grass convinced me to play with it she said celebrity tweets are kind of funny, and so I did check it out started to add some people and realized that theres just a ginormous crowd of people twithearting each other making people see through Oprah, Madonna et al, easier. Twitter encapsulates the world in 140 characters starting with the question "What are you doing." People have different responses to that, you can call twitter a behavior meter. Paris Hilton can respond to you in the confines of her relationship with Doug ( I dont really know doug, but it's always in her tweets) Oprah can Respond to it communicating with her twithearts' Hugh Jackman et al. CNN responds to you with it's delivery of breaking news. OTCBCHC delivers realtime quote for the stock BCHC. Radrad tweets his rants about his housemates and how stinky his house is. I tweet the stops and starts of my day. As