Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Warning on Slimming Coffee if you know people taking this, pass this information around

Please read the following information about the slimming coffee.

I started to ask my questions after I mixed my coffee with suka from my cup and saw a green slew of thing in my coffee. Vino a friend warned us about this when me and mamu also a friend started to take it told us a story abt her aunt who died because of drinking these things. Effects on her were she had lbm whenever she would take it that s why she stopped, After reading this I will never think of taking this ever again. Yeah it is effective but somehow the question still remains to be why stuff this good is not becoming a staple and not widely advertised and had to be bought underground in divisoria and all these places. As it turns out, these things in the internet shows up.

I read this blog and started to research on it.

Read This too:

And these too:

And test it on your own slimming coffee. Or better yet have it tested by any chemist you know or BFAD.

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