Sunday, September 16, 2018

We all live a Good Life

Forgive yourself for being human
in craving things that are wrong and that are bad for you simply because you hurt yourself
and again
For grabbing things you dont know about 
For playing Fire Games that eventually burn 
And Scar and become Permanent Inprints
Of the innocence you felt you were robbed of
Yes it is you who opened the door and you who allowed
But that does not mean that you are to blame or she is to blame
Know that life happens to the current reason of your state of being
Though you get motivated with every single fucking blister 
from walking with shoes that are not fit for you
You just need to all of a sudden succumb to retire to the fact that, hey 
The illusion of appearance and standards of being are fallacies born by social stigmas 
And that getting tired is just a state of mind
fighting to react towards the wave that steal ones happiness is the real battle. 
that no money can buy
no thing can satisfy
And Getting through that minute every single time
Is a sign of a good life.

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