
I won the Mom game through "YouTube Baby Syndrome"

Taluli is now 4 and is in the age when he is super curious and super enjoying pretend play and that the only way to get him to pay attention is through relatable mediums like his favorite YouTube, Sci Fi and Supernatural.  Every parent wants to manage a kid these days and part of this is giving them gadgets where they can play and watch YouTube, I know it is the worst thing you can do to a kid but because these kids are naturally seeking stimulus relating to anything that is in YouTube when a parent is absent and busy hence making YouTube an ally to these toddlers. But when is enough, enough? I have noticed that Taluli started to sound like a YouTuber and would talk about anything that is in YouTube and adapt mannerisms, and expressions as exaggerated as a YouTuber would sound,  like a total disconnect to reality. That is when I already had to draw the line and think of ways on how to not necessary keep him off of the Tube, but limit his exposure to it.  Taluli responds to

Bandwagon Post: My New Years Resolution

So everyone is on to their new year's resolution and I am sitting here having second thoughts as to what and how will I approach my "coming-into-my-forties" year which is just another year supposedly, but with bigger responsibilities. (uhm, Taluli is getting bigger wiser and full of dreams and promise that I gotta give a boy a better life besides what we have now) At this time of my life, I finally have embraced my leadership skills and talent for figuring out shit from puzzle pieces that I do that as a full time career.  So heck I will lead my self now and figure shit out from the puzzle pieces of my own life and take full reign of my happier future.  Pweh daming kuda! So on to my new year's resolution: 1.) I will try and bike to work so I will be back to my fitter self so I can eat what I want and have a reason to eat them, sans rice which killed my vibe so bad.      I used to bike to work and saved so much and ate everything I want sans the rice. Bu

We all live a Good Life

Forgive yourself for being human in craving things that are wrong and that are bad for you simply because you hurt yourself over and  over again and again For grabbing things you dont know about  For playing Fire Games that eventually burn  And Scar and become Permanent Inprints Of the innocence you felt you were robbed of Yes it is you who opened the door and you who allowed But that does not mean that you are to blame or she is to blame Know that life happens to the current reason of your state of being Though you get motivated with every single fucking blister  from walking with shoes that are not fit for you You just need to all of a sudden succumb to retire to the fact that, hey  The illusion of appearance and standards of being are fallacies born by social stigmas  And that getting tired is just a state of mind fighting to react towards the wave that steal ones happiness is the real battle.  that no money can buy no thing can satisfy And Getting through that minute every single t