
Showing posts with the label weight loss

Post Partum Coping

It's been a year and 3 months post partum, I felt I skipped the post partum blues because I went hyper social just not to get caught in the emotional chaos that they are talking about, Saved my baby from the bad vibes as he is now a light to everybody's darkness, his smile is a beauty and his sweetness divine. But lately, it has been taking a toll on my body. I am 100 pounds overweight and feeling the effects of any person who have undergone any surgery and all that drugs that came along with it, weakness, inability to focus, tingling sensation from the waist below specially in the right leg that started while I was 3 months pregs with the talulibugger . I seriously substituted feelings with either food or alcohol to drown out all the feelings that will affect my son. I think I have been doing this all my life and now the excuse is my son. Deep stuff. Shit. Anyway. I am going to have my break through on this one,

Diet Plan Using Pregnancy Hormones

An Article About This Can be Found in This website: This diet plan is executed combining the hormone injections with a 500-calorie-a-day diet, it is promised that an individual will achieve a kind of weight-loss nirvana: losing fat in all the right places without feeling tired or hungry. Doctors’ offices, weight-loss clinics in America are paying $1,000 a month per consultation, packed with hormone and syringes supplies as aids. It has been 50++ years after a Roman Catholic Doctor promoted hCG as a diet aid. The regimen is a combination of daily injections and a near-starvation diet. Women patients are enticed by the weight loss promise of about 1pound a day sans hunger. These women are told that the hgc will prompt to metabolize your body and loose the fat in the hard to reach areas. Is this true? I don't know, you can try and do your due diligence first before you do.

Warning on Slimming Coffee if you know people taking this, pass this information around

Please read the following information about the slimming coffee. I started to ask my questions after I mixed my coffee with suka from my cup and saw a green slew of thing in my coffee. Vino a friend warned us about this when me and mamu also a friend started to take it told us a story abt her aunt who died because of drinking these things. Effects on her were she had lbm whenever she would take it that s why she stopped, After reading this I will never think of taking this ever again. Yeah it is effective but somehow the question still remains to be why stuff this good is not becoming a staple and not widely advertised and had to be bought underground in divisoria and all these places. As it turns out, these things in the internet shows up. I read this blog and started to research on it. Read This too: And these too: http://jnci.oxfordj