I won the Mom game through "YouTube Baby Syndrome"

Taluli is now 4 and is in the age when he is super curious and super enjoying pretend play and that the only way to get him to pay attention is through relatable mediums like his favorite YouTube, Sci Fi and Supernatural. 
Every parent wants to manage a kid these days and part of this is giving them gadgets where they can play and watch YouTube, I know it is the worst thing you can do to a kid but because these kids are naturally seeking stimulus relating to anything that is in YouTube when a parent is absent and busy hence making YouTube an ally to these toddlers.

But when is enough, enough? I have noticed that Taluli started to sound like a YouTuber and would talk about anything that is in YouTube and adapt mannerisms, and expressions as exaggerated as a YouTuber would sound,  like a total disconnect to reality. That is when I already had to draw the line and think of ways on how to not necessary keep him off of the Tube, but limit his exposure to it. 

Taluli responds to stories within YouTube so I showed him a video of a kid that is weird and loud and a kid that was convulsing. When asked why these kids were acting that way I told him that," Honey, they watched too much YouTube and now they are suffering what is called the YOUTUBE BABY SYNDROME."

To give you a backgrounder, Taluli grew up a deep self thinker, he never listens not unless his validation process concludes that some one is right. He relies on his instincts so much that as a child, he only trusts his beliefs based on his experience and insights and I keep that a sacred trait which I pray never fades away. So true to form, as soon as I gave him the "YouTube Baby Syndrome" it had to take him a few hours to be able to believe that it exist and that it is  and knew that he already  accepted the fact once he started telling people that they had "YouTube Baby Syndrome" in his conversations.

So according to Taluli and how he understand what I meant, "YouTube Baby Syndrome" starts when you start talking and being an exaggerated YouTuber and that you have to be careful not to go to a point where your eyes roll and you start to shake. So since then, he was very mindful of his watch hours and reminds people not to watch YouTube too much so they won't have "YouTube Baby Syndrome". I won the Mom battle against YouTube. 

This my friend is a cause to celebrate with a glass of Red Wine. Single Mom Wins.


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