Maharlika Paradise: A Secret Pristine Preserved spot in Wawa Montalban.

I have been coming back to Maharlika Paradise, A DENR Protected site being cared for by Ang Kasama Inc., of the Samahang Maharlika Movement at Sitio Sabangan, Wawa Montalban, everytime I want a space out of the hustle and bustle of that Manila wildlife we are addicted to. It is here where
I plug in to the vibrations of the earth and it's bounty. I get to meditate a few hours and feel refreshed for the week ahead. It is a measly 25-35 minute walk from the Pamitian DENR office. It is a secret enclave known to some of the underground artists and famous writers that seek solace towards enlightenment. It is a half way house of the transitioning empowered soul, as I can call it.  

Beyond the peace and quiet that Maharlika Paradise has to offer, what drew me to this movement is the passion for uncovering the realities of one of our societies' lies. This was also the same fight that some of our predecessors have been fighting with including the late president Ferdinand Marcos. Bringing back the original foundation of our country from the spanish' Philippines to Maharlika. Not only that, our rich culture is so muddied by colonialism and all this isms that our roots are being compromised. Maharlika Paradise in general is a protected preservation of integral morals of our original citizenship.

In Lieu with this an annual "Maharlika Summit" is held in different places of the Philippines. This Summit will be held this year at Baguio City.

Back to the Paintings:

Through the goodness of my Meditation Mentor, Dada Deo Palma, I am able to channel my love for art through my expressed meditative strokes during my stay.

This was my Mural art Pre - Motherhood by the guesthouse way back 2013:

At this time I was with Lawrence my song writing buddy as he was my designated driver back then. How I miss lo's company. It's just he is in his cycle of life right now that we cannot control but would pass. 

And this is my mural in progress for the daycare kitchen:

This is Taluli and me while I was doing my mural:

I am very blessed to be able to share this experience and way of life to my son in my quest to have him live the freedom that he so greatly deserve.


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