Honest Review: Cinema One Originals: Baka Siguro Yata

I am not a Huge Cinema goer just like any geek out there, I stay on my couch and cruise along the internet for some documentaries and free stuff here and there  but this trailer made me watch this as a paying customer.

I thought this bearded guy was really funny in a Seth Rogen-ish kind of way and that combination of Ricky Davao and Cherie Gil was stunning. The banter and the acting of this short teaser appealed to me in a manner that I can relate to. I watch the lives of these types of most of the guy friends that I have and band mates who are 30 something happy go lucky fuckers that that get lucky and  turn their life around. I had to watch it in the big screen. So I called my friend Bambi and asked her to watch the movie with me. 

So this movie I'd like to call is a local version of knocked-up. I guess what made this really special is the fresh talent that is coming out of this film. I was surprised how good Bangs Garcia was in acting this girl I'm telling you got it going on and so as the sexual froshies who sang the annoying song that got my friend singing up until we head out to pick up cupcakes after the movie. I won't forget the Napoles guy who got his stoner wits going on and be exactly the way as my funny friends are. 

 The caliber energy of  the two pro's Cherie Gil and Ricky Davao who are very good at what they do supported the new cast on their comedic attempt to carry us to the plot of the movie and for these two veterans to be really funny in this movie was really refreshing to watch. I always had this image of Ricky Davao romancing another dude in a movie and Cherie Gil being a bitch so This was sort of a treat for me to watch.

The only thing I had with the Carlo Character is he shaved his full beard towards the end of the movie and he became less of the funny guy who's trying to be serious but more of this premature yuppie that got me all confused. I just felt incomplete towards the end.

It sure did not disappoint me though because I came to the theater with my half full bladder and I didn't skip a moment to pee. that my friend is a guarantee that this is a good movie aside from the fact that I'm a pro at doing Kegel exercises (TMI, I know). 

I would reco it as a cross border coming of age movie that you can ever watch.


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