Singlehood Dramatics: To the man who will try another time.

Remember this face, this face was given away and wised up due to self preserving circumstances. 

This face gives and takes with such measure and closes in to her own comfortable state of being alone.

This face has an extra sense for bullshit and fears vulnerability where it is undue, do not lie to this face it may be hard to gain this glow and trust back.

This face shuts down if you are not smart and man enough to ask for the switch back.

Her mental and emotional balance is a constant work in progress, she can walk away as she pleases you may choose to walk with her or abandon her fully, worry not for she won't be shaken she's been around the block a while.

You can't really break her she is aware of the game of life more than you think you do.

If you are a person who values too much of or have not mastered his ego much to let go, then do not waste your time.

It is just easy to open the flood gates love, although it may seem that she thinks she knows it all, she has this huge space for growth. To be able to get into her psyche, you just need to be strong in mind and weak at heart at the same time, just like her. Her Ego bows down to people who let their ego lie low, you will then realize the wall isn't too high or tough at all.

She loves herself more than she loves to hate so she wouldn't hate you for being simply just did not workout to be part of her inner circle in life. She will treat you as a lesson and understands that she put herself in situations where she chose to be happy or not.

Remember this smile, as sweet as it comes, only comes by once in a while. I will remember this face and will treat it as special before It is given away.


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