God you are amazing.

I have 2 encounters today that intended to shake me. Thank you, it only meant I am alive.

Nobody said obeying YOU is going to be easy. That's why there is only Jesus and a few others who fought for a cause of YOU being real and their life mattered.

I want my life to matter. I want to go to heaven and YOU say She is mine I'll take her. Even if it goes to the extreme that on earth, no one would take me as I am because I am different (that's a thought of pity, you don't like that, some religous people would say. But I am talking to you as your child.)

I want a lifetime of sure ownership. As for now God the only thing sure that I trust is YOU and people who trust YOU the same way that I do.

Have I given up on people? Not quite YOU got me saved because of Jesus, the standards in the community I choose to be with cause an over flow of understanding of the essence of your universal standard, your equations proven true in his existence and your declaration that He is the first of the many people who will answer your call to belong! When he sacrificed himself he caused a movement of truth that you are real and you are faithful . He may not have seen it to his death he died believing that the power that you gave in his name is unexplainable and you came through with that promise and that it can be accesible to me. He opened the secret of true success to this day. What proof do I need of his existence than throngs of people who followed his examples getting the fullfilment of your decrees, equations and because of the abundance of their hearts declare allegiance and thanks to you. I have never heard of any human being who openly worshipped satan that dominated the human race in this day who prospered, free and happy. They all feared you, from buffet, to oprah, bill gates, obama and all these people that cause the earth to move always thanked you and they were blessed.

You are amazing.
"Sent via BlackBerry from Smart"


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