The Wedding Experience

Went to a wedding ceremony sunday, I am not really good at weddings there's a lot of stiffness in a ceremony wherein you are supposed to be happy and free to go up to the bride and groom and give your best hug for not getting scared of that pseudo commitment of a contract written in paper. But instead because of the glamor of the day that is supposedly "perfect" you experience pressure and sheer stiffness. I left without even saying goodbye to the bride and groom who is busy getting a perfect picture per table. I'm sure they did not enjoy the stiffness too. I spoke to the groom he is more excited for the honeymoon because it's just going to be both of them. All this ceremony shenanigan is really for the parents and friends. It's actually a good lesson coming to these weddings I'm talking about this whole procedure of getting married. If you are going to ask me how the ceremony went I like it because it wasn't very emotional. I like the couple how they dealt with it, they know the real deal why they like each other they weren't emotional, they are cute and funny in the wedding to me it was perfect because they were who they are there was a time when they were just talking in a gazebo after they were married in the church and really savored the moment for themselves giggling in their gown and barong I think to me that was better seeing them there than in the church. Got to see old acquaintances and just chatted for a while.You realize in conversations things are different, miles away different I guess that is the way things really are. I did not sing as we originally planned and thank goodness like what am I gonna sing right? Dashboard Confessional already did their very best bit in the Photo collage by singing Stolen, that pretty defines how they stole each others heart from hating each other to death because she was pretty uptight and he was very vocally blunt and arrogant! (I very much remember this, as I am always caught in the crossfire) Ed was one of those good friends at work I can talk sense with he worked in a call center for a reason, to watch and sit and make fun of society and how they mess around with a so called career and things that are not right that tend to amuse the both of us as we called and messed around as team mates in a call center unit named Jaypeepol, the best team I have been in so far with Vel as our Team Leader whose head ached because we were a pain in the ass because we both did not see the need to kiss her ass. Vel became one of my housemates in P4 and one of those friends I liked because she is her own person, she decides because she is confident about where things are going to go, she is a smart woman with a beautiful face and sense of responsibility. We were all hand picked to be together working on a team in Globalstride called Jaypeepol by Mr. Jaypee Santiago who was in the wedding as well. As of date Vel is working for Jaypee as a PM and Ed invested on a SPED school in Ortigas.
I never really had that much wedding experience same way as other people have. By far this is my second wedding experience. I have not much of it I think because I was sorrounded by Gays and Lesbians and women and men that are floating around like pollen bees that run out of honey.
And what did I do there? I did the offertory and I did not now how to do it, I don't know if roman catholic rules changed now in offertories I was battling as to do I kiss the priest hand after I give the gifts or bow there even but I just gave the basket and said.."here you go sir".
(vel and ed current picture in the right was taken by Dale Decena.)