Dear Remy

Remy, you will not be afraid of love. You will not be afraid to love.You are love.This is Real.

You will not be afraid of the price to pay for giving your love away, you have so much and if you lack you know where and how to get more you have a supply, someone more powerful than you has love that is infinite, and that same someone's love brought you to this point.

Remy, you will not be scared of the future that has not happened yet.

Remy you will not be afraid to ever so find out that along the lines of chances you will be committing the same mistakes that you forgot to take note of or made an excuse of forgetting.

You are doing this not for yourself, because you made a commitment and you made a stand in the world that you will not be one of the spinning, the confused, the darkened and the perishing, you made a commitment in the line of truth and light and you chose to live. You know that standing in this truth lead you to an advancement. Look at your life now, imagine how your life is going to be...keep looking farther!

And in the process Remy, you will lead the people you encounter to the path you have chosen because you want them to be on this side of space, you want people to live, again not for your sake but for the fight you put your passion on, keep that passion growing.

You will continue to grow in commitment. You will not give up in doing what you say and finishing what you started.

You deserve the same heart in friendships and in love.Anything else is crap, love yourself, you do not deserve crap yet be not entitled to what is for you. Remember, love is the source of all these. Always walk with humility knowing in your gut what enough means.

You will not sacrifice your ground to the world’s pressures of where and what you are supposed to have. All you need is something to keep that fire in your belly active, More of God, less of evil, more of hard work and winning and less of greed and jealousy.

You conquer your battles in your cubicle, when your mind is idle, it breeds evil. Idle calling leads your head to places you should not go to. Be aware.

And Remy, I love you do not forget that. You are beautiful, you deserve to be happy.


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