
There are just some nice, good, things that happen in somebody's life. Sometimes they are too good and nice that we tend to make a big deal out of it because we see ourselves too small, walking in stiff steps we fumble, stumble and fall.

Because it was too huge to handle, we crush ourselves in the process. Thats when you have to have people who care enough to grab you by the horns and bring you back up, no matter what. People around you who believe that you are more than you think you are they are violently grabbing you out of the quagmire you stumbled yourself with. In this crazy world where friends come and go, I count myself lucky because I am sorrounded by people who love me. As unbelievable as it is, I was so loved. Perfect love that drives away fear, melts the hardest heart of men.

I can say I had a very hard heart, the hardest heart that I have ever known at least. A heart that abhored vulnerable moments, who smoked and drank away that squeezy feeling everytime it came, quit smoking and drinking and got addicted to smoke screens and as you give up the last addiction of your life, you see yourself naked, weak and raw. It is a new and uncharted territory but you know, it's something good and amazing. With wobbling knees and hands gripping to the source, you trekk the road full of emotions, and choices of feelings. When you know what you know it should be easy, but when you know what you know and yet refuse to cleave on the truth of what you know you are setting yourself up to fail.

Life was a gift given with roads, intersections, detours, u-turns and sideskirts. You and I are just dumb travellers and yet in our dumbness we are offered things called bounties. We walk and eat chew and spit the good from the bad. All that was primary was life and death, night and day, and we just walk, talk and taste. As men evolved standards were raised, the word Good was conceptualized and defined and the word bad was put to place as anything that is not defined as good. As men constantly evolved, the defintion of the 2 primary elements became more complicated as people became greedy in between grabbing definition to justify their existence. But still with this are the same roads, intersections, detours, u-turns and sideskirts that were always available as pathways towards a beggining and an end.

And I just want to be of the dumb. Theres nothing personal to a dumb man, there is nothing that is extraordinary, a stumbling block and a detterent to a dumb man because he just walks and chooses from the primary things in life which is light and dark along with life and death. What a dumb man does is open his mouth and say OH.


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