Moments that make your day.

A while ago while in the shower after a thigh beating leg abuse and core torture ( I am talking about exercise) I put my face right in the strong flow of the shower feeling a tingling sensation in my tensed facial muscles and though...MAN THIS IS IT... THIS MAKES THE DAY.

I keep treasure of something today and it goes:
Heb:14-15 Since the children are made of flesh and blood, it's logical that the Savior (Jesus) took on flesh and blood in order to rescue them by his death. By embracing death, taking it into himself, he destroyed the Devil's hold on death and freed all who cower through life, scared to death of death.

Man , when we were born we get up and get ready for pre school in preparation for elementary. In elementary we are groomed to be ready with high school. In high school we are preparing ourselves for college. In college we prepare to hit the workforce. We hit the workforce we are set up for something better and save money for retirement. In between, some get married and have children. In between some encounter issues and get comfortable with themselves. In between all of these life happens. We get hurt, We loose trust and we fear. Some get tired, some escape but the truth is we are all looking for something better than ourselves. We chase it and we chase it we think we got it but we end up looking until we find ourselves spinning, spinning in fear. The worst things we fear, death and rejection. The best wish we had in the world is for someone to take us out and carry us to bliss, we chase this knowing not where we will get it or not. Some give up and take their lives and some seek for answers and end up in the very same spot where it all begins and ends.

And i will not end with some answer. Seek and you shall find.


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