Self Awareness Questionnaire

Awareness questionnaire taken off of


What type of people do I enjoy spending time with?
(intelligent, open-minded, out-going, self-righteous, reflective, quiet, funny, a bit sad, optimists, readers, pessimists, thinkers, sports-minded, active, perceptive, debaters, joke-tellers, etc.)

- intelligent, open-minded, out-going, reflective, funny,optimists, readers, pessimists, thinkers, sports-minded, active, perceptive, debaters, witty.

Why do I enjoy those specific qualities in people?

- Because I learn from them.

Do I seek out people similar as I, or different from me? Why is that?

- I will seek out people similar as I. Because by that I will have a connection.

Do I have many friends as I just described? Why or why not?

- Yes I do. Because I choose to surround myself with the types.

How many close friends do I want based on the amount of time I have?

- I can handle 10

What would those close relationships look like? What would be the biggest aspects? (talking, shared activities, working on projects together, laughter, storytelling, playing games, etc.)

- Those close relationships will be the ones i would have shared activities with, talking, laughter, work on projects with, people I will enjoy vacations with.

What are two of the most favorite things I enjoy doing with others?

- Vacations, talking, cooking, playing games with.

Where have I met most of the friends I currently have?
(family, work, community, childhood, online, etc.)

- work, community.

What does where I met these friends tell me about myself?

- That I am at work a lot and my community.

Why am I still friends with those people?

- Because they bring out the best in me and likewise.

What is the single biggest attitudinal change I’d like to make when with people? (be more myself, be more out-going, be more honest, initiate more conversations, be more comfortable, be more open, be funnier, interrupt less, initiate more activities, etc.)

- I will be more comfortable with who I am.


List three situations and/or times when you were the most happy in your life. Specific instances...What elements were present when I felt that way? How was I feeling about myself during those times?

- 1.) When I got my first laptop. 2.) When I had my first Idea. 3.) When I learned how to swim. The elements that are there at those times are happiness, excitement, passion and a sense of I can do everything I will my mind to.

What do I fear most in my life right now? Why? What would it mean if that happened?

- That I will die without substance.

When do I feel the most angry or frustrated? What is it about those situations that I feel that way?

- When I take people`s faults personal. Like when somebody lies to my face or somebody steals from me or somebody plays games or is never clear with what they want to do. Two faced people too.

What is my definition of love? (not Webster’s)

- Love is awareness about other people and a lifestyle at that.

What are my primary beliefs about love? (it’s easy, scary, short-lived, feels good, not possible, difficult, etc.) Where/when did I acquire those beliefs? Do I still believe them? Why or why not?

- Exciting, mind boggling, fighting, struggle and not a relaxation lounge.

Do I have much control over my emotions? Why or why not?

I have not much. I`m still at the point of exercise. I can say I'm getting close to handling my emotions well.

What emotions do I want to feel most of the time?
Significant Relationship
If NOT currently in a marriage/life partnership/relationship

Happy. Challenge. Anger. Sweet :D

What specific characteristics do I want my ideal life partner to possess? (generosity, open-mindedness, funny, gentle, strong personality, quiet, organized, similar beliefs about politics, finances, parenting, etc, fun, honest, similar goals, attractive, playful, out-going, etc.)

open minded, witty, strong as me, has similar goals, a tamed ego, a willingness to always learn, a listener and someone who doesn't like quiet.

Why do I want them to have those characteristics?

Because I don't want a partner that is dull and would always says amen to me. I want a partner who fights and at the same time has his own person to deal with. A person who doesn't think that he is all that but great. A person committed as I am to a life of learning. I don`t like a partner who thinks he is an expert of his suck-y life.

How would I feel if I never had a life partner? Why would I feel that way?

I would be okay. Because it saves me from dealing with people who will drag me down.


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